July 27, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Town Meeting, 5/9/16

The Annual Town Meeting from May 9, 2016 is now available to stream for online viewing:

Control-Click here to open the Special Town Meeting Warrant in another window.

Control-Click here to open the Annual Town Meeting Warrant in another window.

This session includes:
Special Town Meeting

• Article 2 – Fund Collective Bargaining Agreement: Polic Superior Officers Association
• Article 5 – Appropriate for Payment of Unpaid Bills of Prior Years
• Article 6 – Authorize Minuteman School Bonding
• Article 7 – Appropriate for Property Acquisition
• Article 9 – Appropriate to Capital Improvement Fund
Annual Town Meeting
• Article 32 – Transfer of Property for Recreational Use: A Portion of DeFazio Park
• Article 33 – Transfer of Property for Educational Use:
A Portion of DeFazio Park & Central Avenue (“Owen’s Farm”)
• Article 34 – Home Rule Petition: Change in Use of Property on Greendale Ave. under Article 97
• Article 36 – Appropriate for Memorial Field Drain Improvements
• Article 37 – Appropriate for Trail Improvements: Student Conservation Association
• Article 39 – Appropriate for Rosemary Lake Sediment Removal Design

For more Town Meeting Sessions, click here!