As promised last year, Needham High School staff returned to the school committee with an updated report on student attendance...
Town Government
The board enjoyed a shorter than usual agenda, which allowed them to catch up on the many initiatives being contributed...
After requiring exclusive parking spaces for customers, the Zoning Board of Appeals finally approved the Taiwanese restaurant set to replace...
Ahead of its public information session on February 5, representatives from the MWRA provided an overview of the Metropolitan Water...
The fourth meeting of the month, the Needham School Committee has been putting in extra hours deliberating next year's budget....
In addition to more budget discussions, NHS Athletic Director Ryan Madden gave his annual Athletic Update. Pollard Principal Tabitha Bibbo...
A key focus of this Planning Board meeting was initiating the process for Needham to regain compliance with the MBTA...
This Special Select Board meeting focused on two important topics for the town. The recruitment firm provided a detailed overview...
The budget was the central topic of the evening. The committee heard directly from the Town Manager as to why...
The budget process continued this week at the Needham School Committee, with a look at how the literacy curriculum is...