February 9, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 4/5/22

It seems that the closer we get to town meeting, the more the Planning Board has to discuss. This latest meeting dealt with a number of familiar issues, including the proposal for a medical facility on the Needham Gateway site and the recommendation for zoning that would allow for a brewery in Needham. The program is currently available for viewing in the window below.

Agenda Item:

1) ANR Plan: 18 and 62 Brookside Road

2) De Minimus Change to Amendment of Major Project Site Plan: 952 Great Plain Avenue
PM Story Corporation, Petitioner.
Regarding request to allow deliveries to be made from the public way.

3) Amendment to Major Project Site Plan: 100 and 120 Highland Avenue
Carbon Health Medical Group of Florida & Needham Gateway LLC, Petitioners. continued from 3/15/22
Regarding request for a new principal use in the subject property, described as a medical professional office providing primary and walk-in medical care.

4) Decision Major Project Site Plan: Greene’s Field
Needham Farmer’s Market, Inc., Petitioner.
Regarding request to operate a farmers market on a portion of Greene’s Field on Sundays during the renovation of the Town Common.

5) Planning Board Vote and Recommendation on Article 1: Amend Zoning By-Law -Schedule of Use Regulations, Brew Pub and Microbrewer for the May 2022 Special Town Meeting.

6) Planning Board Report on Article 7 referral from the May 2021 Annual Town Meeting. Citizens Petition Map Change to Single Residence B District. Property bounded generally by Kendrick Street, the State Circumferential Highway, Cheney Street, and by Hunting Road.

7) Request to Release Performance Bond for Hutter Ridge Definitive Subdivision: 1135 Webster Street
Southfield Associates c/o Petrini Corporation, Petitioner.

8) Minutes

9) Report from Planning Director and Board members

10) Correspondence

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!