July 26, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham School Committee, 2/7/23

The Needham School Committee held a deceptively short meeting on February 7th. Although the time it took to run the meeting was not long, they packed an awful lot into that short period of time. The full agenda is below. Please note that clicking on the line items will open the video in a new browser window.


1) Public Comments

2) School Committee Chair and Subcommittee Updates

3) Superintendent’s Comments

4) Consent Items

• FY’23 Budget Transfers
• Disposal of Surplus Items
• Accept Donations

5) Pollard Middle School Improvement Plan

6) First Reading: Policy IJL
Selection and Adoption of Library/Media Learning Resources

7) Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Update

8) Action Items
• Approve 2023-2024 Middle School & High School Program of Studies

• Approve Westborough Public Schools Admittance to
ACCEPT Education Collaborative

• Approve Commercial Use of School Property for Documentary Black Ice
• Approve FY24 Revolving Fund Fees: Transportation and Athletics
• Award Bid for Before and After School
Structured Program for Elementary Students FY2024-2026

9) School Committee Comments

For more School Committee meetings, click here!