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Needham Select Board, 2/28/23

The Select Board had a full and fascinating agenda on February 28th, as they explored a variety of diverse and impactful topics. They announced that they have come to an agreement with the developers of the Foster property, and were waiting for some language to be refined before accepting the agreement early next week. They also had a crime report presented by the Needham Police Chief, and got the timeline on the initiative to replace a number of Needham Housing Authority’s units in the Linden Street Development. You can watch the full meeting in the window below, as soon as it becomes available:


1) Public Comment Period

2) Introduce Recycling and Solid Waste Superintendent

3) Eversource Grant of Location Hearings

• 64 High Rock Street

• 47 Scott Road

4) Public Hearing: Bin Ends
• ABCC Amendment Application for Change of Ownership Interest

5) Public Hearings: The James continued
• Outdoor Dining License
• Alteration of Premises for an All-Alcohol License

6) Housing Authority Update

7) Citizen’s Petition: Single Use Plastic Bags

8) Foster Property Development Agreement

9) Police Chief Annual Report

10) Town Manager:

• Approve Property Line Agreement Charles River Street

• Discuss Proposed Alcohol Regulation Revision
• ARPA Budget Update Proposal

11) Board Discussions:
• Code of Conduct

• Committee Reports

For more Select Board meetings, click here!