July 26, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham School Committee, 6/6/23

Two main items were discussed at this session of the Needham School Committee–their last one to meet during this academic year. The newest elementary school, the Sunita Williams School, presented their improvement plan to the board, and they also heard an update on the system-wide REAL initiative, promoting diversity and equity in the schools. Please note that clicking on the line items will open the video in a new browser window.


1) Public Comments

2) School Committee Chair and Subcommittee Updates

3) Superintendent’s Comments

4) Consent Item

• FY’23 Budget Transfers
• Disposal of Surplus Items

5) Sunita Williams School Improvement Plan

6) Race, Equity, Access, Leadership (REAL) Update

7) School Committee Comments

For more School Committee meetings, click here!