February 8, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 8/27/24

During their August 27th meeting, the Planning Board expressed concerns about a subdivision application, particularly its potential impact on the drainage system. As a result, they are considering implementing stricter regulations than those currently required in the by-laws. Additionally, the board received a presentation from the consulting firm GPI regarding the traffic study for the two MBTA Communities Law zoning initiatives. The meeting is available for viewing in the window below:


1) Request to Extend Action Deadline: 557 Highland Avenue
557 Highland, LLC, an affiliate of The Bulfinch Companies, Inc., Petitioner

2) Public Hearing: 300 Hillside Avenue
Town of Needham, Petitioner
Request to install a permanent emergency generator to serve the Center at the Heights, reducing 3 parking spaces

3) ANR Plan: 321 Cartwright Road
Majorie A. Pine, Petitioner

4) Discussion of & Vote to Adopt Code of Conduct

5) Definitive Subdivision: 40 Highland Avenue and 14-16 Riverside Street
40 Highland Ave, LLC, Petitioner
Request to subdivide the Premises into three building lots, two of which will be used for residential purposes, having frontage on the new road, and the third of which will continue to be used for commercial purposes.

6) MBTA Communities Zoning Initiative: Presentation of Traffic Study

7) Request to review and approve Landscaping Plan and Subdivision: 920 South Street
Brian Connaughton, Petitioner

8) Planning Board appointments to Downtown Redesign Working Group and Mobility Planning and Coordination Committee

9) Report from Planning Director and Board members.

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!