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4/25 Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda Posted

BOARD OF SELECTMEN April 25, 2017 Needham Town Hall Note: Agenda subject to revision, start times are approximate and agenda items may be discussed at earlier or later times.

6:45 Informal Meeting with Citizens One or more members of the Board of Selectmen will be available between 6:45 and 7:00 p.m. for informal discussion with citizens. While not required, citizens are encouraged to call the Selectmen’s Office at (781) 455-7500 extension 204 in advance to arrange for an appointment. This enables the Board to better assure opportunities for participation and respond to citizen concerns.
1. 7:00 Public Hearing – Alteration of Premises -Village Club – permission to extend coverage of licensed premises  Robert Giumetti, Jr. Manager
2. 7:15 Discussion with Property Tax Assistance Committee
  •   Property Tax Assistance Committee
  •   Evelyn Poness, Town Treasurer/Collector
3. 7:30 NBCUniversal Presentation Tax Increment Financing Proposal
4. 8:00 Town Manager
  •   Positions on Warrant Articles
  •   Facility Financing Plan Update
5. 8:30 Board Discussion  Committee Reports
Traffic Management Advisory Committee
Seth Bauer (Term Expires 6/30/2020)
Approve road race event form from Hilary Ryan of The Charles River Center, to hold its 5K race and 1 mile walk in Needham on September 24, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The route of the race has been approved by the following departments: DPW, Police, Fire and Park and Recreation.
Approve a request from Greg Jundanian, of Three Squares New England, who is organizing its annual fundraiser “The Ride for Food” bike ride to benefit food pantries in numerous communities including Needham, to have a portion of its ride to go through Needham. The event is scheduled for September 24, 2017 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The route of the ride has been approved by the following departments, DPW, Police, Fire, and Park and Recreation.
Ratify a Special One Day All Alcoholic Beverages License for Ernest A. Steeves of The Village Club who hosted an event for and Association Gathering/Birthday Party on Saturday, April 15, 2017 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The event was held in Highlandville Hall at the Village Club, 83 Morton Street, Needham, MA.
Approve a Special One Day All Alcoholic Beverages License for Ernest A. Steeves of The Village Club to host a fundraiser for the Broadmeadow Elementary School on Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The event will be held in Highlandville Hall at the Village Club, 83 Morton Street, Needham, MA.
  5.*  Approve a One Day Special Wines & Malt Beverages license for Fred Daly, of St. Sebastian’s School to host its Reunion Weekend events on May 19, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on May 20, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The event on the 19th will be held in the Birmingham Academic Building and the event on the 20th will be held in Ward Hall. Both are located at 1191 Greendale Avenue, Needham. 6.* Approve a Special One Day Wines & Malt Beverages License for Morgan Murphy, of Trip Advisor to host an event for Bryant, a Networking Reception, on May 3, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The event will be held at Trip Advisor headquarters, 400 First Avenue, Needham, MA. 7. Accept the following donations made to the Needham Public Health Department’s Gift of Warmth Fund: $500 from Hillcrest Gardens; and $500 from First Baptist Church in Needham. 8.* Approve the Rotary Club Carnival banners presented by the Needham Community Revitalization Trust Fund to be part of the Chapel Street Banner Showcase Display Program. These banners will be displayed to raise awareness of the upcoming three day Carnival in July sponsored by the Rotary Club. 9.* Approve design of new banner for the Needham Farmers Market which reflects the change in venue. These banners are part of the Chapel Street Banner Showcase Display Program. 10.* Approve a request from Jessica Rice, who has submitted a Road Event form, to hold its “Jog Your Memory 5K Run/2 mile walk” on Sunday, September 17, 2017 from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The route has been approved by the following departments, DPW, Police, Fire and Park and Recreation. 11. Accept $250 donation made to the Needham Health Department’s Substance Abuse Prevention and Education account from the Exchange Club of Needham.
12. Accept donation of 6 x 10 nylon American Flag to fly at Avery Square from Ted Shaughnessy of Henderson Properties Partnership.
13.* Water and Sewer Abatement Order #1236.
14.* Approve regular session Board of Selectmen minutes for March 17, 2017, March 28, 2017 and April 12, 2017.
15. Grant permission for the following residents to hold block parties:  
Party Location
Party Date
Party Rain Date
Party Time
Andrew Allen Sharon Ellis
955 Webster St 192 Maple St.
Webster St. between Dedham Ave. & Howland Maple Street cul-de-sac
7/8/17 6/17/17
7/9/17 6/24/17
12pm-3pm 4pm-9pm