December 8, 2024

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – September 20, 2017

Although we don’t have as many new programs debuting this week as we did last week, there are still a few to keep your eyes on.  Here are the new debuts this week: Mon, 9/25 9pm (Community Channel) – Football vs. Newton North (from 9/23) Tue, 9/26 7pm (Municipal Channel) – Board of Selectmen (LIVE) Tue, 9/26 9:30pm (Community Channel) – LWV Forum: Lawn Alternatives (from 9/15) For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Sept 20-Sept 27): Education Channel (Sept 20-Sept 27): Municipal Channel (Sept 20-Sept 27):