February 10, 2025

The Needham Channel

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TNC Programming Update – June 13, 2018

There are two Needham High School Spring Sports teams remaining in playoff contention as of Wednesday and we have at least three games from those two teams that will be debuting this week. (**Note: If either Baseball or Boys Volleyball advances past their Wednesday/Thursday games, we will have additional games debuting this week**) We will also be seeing the future of NHS athletics, academics, arts, etc. on Monday night, when we debut the Pollard Graduation. In addition to a Baseball debut Wednesday night, don’t miss LIVE coverage of the Eversource Public Hearing hosted by the Board of Selectmen. Here are all the details on our new debuts this week: Wed, 6/13 8pm (Community Channel)  Baseball Playoff vs. Marshfield (From 6/11) Wed, 6/13 7:30pm (Municipal Channel)  Board of Selectmen: Eversource Public Hearing (LIVE) Thu, 6/14 7:30pm (Community Channel)  Needham Channel News (LIVE) Fri, 6/15 8:30pm (Community Channel) – Baseball Section Semifinal vs. Braintree (From 6/13 at Quincy) Sat, 6/16 7pm (Community Channel) – Boys Volleyball Section Final vs. Taunton (From 6/14 at Newton South) Mon, 6/18 7pm (Community Channel) – Pollard Graduation (from 6/18) Tue, 6/19 5pm (Municipal Channel)  School Committee (LIVE) For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Jun 13-Jun 20): https://www.needhamchannel.org/community-channel-schedule/ Education Channel (Jun 13-Jun 20): https://www.needhamchannel.org/education-channel-schedule-2/ Municipal Channel (Jun 13-Jun 20): https://www.needhamchannel.org/municipal-channel-schedule/