February 7, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 7/15/21

The Zoning Board of Appeals met at 7:30pm on July 15, 2021. The meeting was held through Zoom Meetings and aired live on both our HD Channel and our Municipal Channel. It is currently available to stream online in the window below:


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from June 17, 2021 meeting.

Case #1 – 28 Jayne Road
The applicants seek a Special Permit to allow the change, extension, alteration, and enlargement to a lawful, pre-existing, non-conforming building with an attached single car garage and a second story addition to an existing single-family residence. The property is located in Single Residential B District.

Case #2 – 920 South Street
The applicant seeks a Special Permit to allow the waiving of strict adherence with the off-street parking requirements, parking plan and design associated with the renovation and repurpose of an existing three-story building for use as a professional educational center by the Source Point Foundation. The property is located in the Rural Residence Conservation (RRC) District.

Informal Matter:
Consideration to adopt the vision statement for racial equity in Needham created by the Needham Unite Against Racism Initiative (NUARI) Working Group.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!