February 9, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

A Primer on Local Affordable Housing

Although the topic may seem a bit dry on the surface, the more you think about Affordable Housing, the clearer it becomes that it is everybody’s problem. From being able to live where you work, to matters of financial diversity and racial equity, the impacts of inadequate housing hit the bottom line in every community. The League of Women Voters in Needham held a forum on affordable housing on Thursday, October 28th featuring four Needham speakers who have given the matter much thought. Select Board member Dan Matthews, Planning Board member, Jeanne McKnight, Chair of the Needham Housing Authority Reg Foster and Community Housing Specialist Karen Sunnarborg each give unique insight into how Needham is handling its struggle with affordable homes. In some instances it is holding it own, but there is still much that needs to be done.