July 27, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Select Board, 9/27/22

The Needham Select Board was helmed by vice-chair Marcus Nelson when they held their regular meeting on September 27th. There were several public hearings on their docket, as well as an update on the upcoming renovation project at the school administration building. Later on, they started taking positions on the various articles coming up in front of Town Meeting this October, a process that will feature prominently at their October 11th meeting. The meeting is currently available for viewing on this site in the window below:


1) Public Comment Period

2) Public Hearing: Little Spoon – Outdoor Dining

3) Public Hearing: Little Spoon – Alteration of Premises

4) Public Hearing: Cook Needham – Transfer of an All-Alcohol License

5) Introduce Legal Counsel: Nicolas Anstasopoulous

6) Town Manager: Special Stabilization Funds

7) Emery Grover Project Update

8) Town Manager:

• October 24, 2022 Special Town Meeting

• Town Manager Report

9) Board Discussion:
• Approve FY’23-FY’24 Goals

• Committee Reports

For more Select Board meetings, click here!