July 26, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 2/6/24

The Planning Board heard an update on the timeline for the Housing Needham initiative to bring the Town into compliance with the MBTA Communities law, and grappled with the wording for the Solar Power System Zoning article they would like to submit to the Select Board for approval by Town Meeting. They also worked to finalize their meeting dates for March during this session. The meeting is available for viewing in the window below:


1) De Minimus Change: 442 and 444 Hillside Avenue
Four Forty-Four Group, Inc., Petitioner

2) HONE Committee Project Update

3) Review of Solar Energy Systems Zoning Article for May 2024 Town Meeting

4) Review of Planning Board Annual Report

5) Minutes

6) Report from Planning Director and Board Members

7) Correspondence

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!